The Empowered Path

From Inner Critic to Cheerleader

Do you have an inner critic that just won’t quit?

Do you believe those voices that keep you playing small, being less, and paying for past mistakes, instead of celebrating your magnificence and enjoying life fully?

Do you find yourself stressed out and anxious instead of joyful and calm?

Do you say unhelpful things to yourself that you wouldn’t say them to anyone else?

You are not alone!

Many folks suffer from old patterns of negative self talk

The Empowered Path gives you tools and techniques to transform that inner voice once and for all so you can finally enjoy a life full of miracles!

Let Go of Suffering – Stop Sabotaging Your Life!


Just imagine how your life could improve if you weren’t held back by negative thoughts.

• Picture your day if you were free from anxiety and stress and could just work on making your dreams come true.

• Suppose you could finally trust your intuition so that decision making became easy instead of stressful.

• Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could use your energy for joy and fulfillment instead of dealing with negative emotions?

You can transform your tendencies and become your own best friend and advocate – instead of a harsh critic and naysayer.

With a positive mindset you can attract wonderful circumstances into your life.

When you recognize that you deserve to make your dreams come true, much more becomes possible.

Transforming your thinking from critical to confident is the most empowering action you can take.

“I didn’t realize how badly I was sabotaging my life by listening to my inner critic!
Thanks to Maria for basically saving me with the tools and techniques she teaches!”

~Ann S

Maria portrait

I suffered for years with a horrible inner critic

I blamed myself for everything that wasn’t ideal in my life and constantly beat myself up for not doing better. 

I somehow thought that if I whipped myself enough I would become more productive, more successful, and more confident. 

I had a terrible time making decisions because I always second guessed myself.

My mind was so cluttered with negativity, I couldn’t connect to my intuition. I felt completely alone and unsupported.

I couldn’t move forward because I was sure I would fail. I told myself that I didn’t have what it took to make my dreams come true.

Everything seemed hopeless and I was totally stuck. I knew that it was my own negativity that was holding me back.

I really suffered knowing that life was full of miracles and opportunities that I just couldn’t access.

I tried so many things- going over and over the possible causes of my thoughts- it didn’t change my patterns.

It was when I learned about Energy Work and Chinese Medicine that I found the tools that changed my life forever.

I studied with amazing teachers and spiritual healers all around the world and gained in depth knowledge. I learned and practiced a lot of transformational techniques.

I used what I learned to develop a whole new fabulous career as an acupuncturist, healer, medicine woman, international retreat leader, and empowerment coach. I am currently studying to become an Eden Energy certified practitioner.

I learned how to “boot my inner bitch” and be my own cheerleader and I was able to create a life filled with miracles!

Now I want to help you be your own cheerleader and fill your life with miracles!

That’s why I developed The Empowered Path- a 5 week program to help you go from critical to confident.

I created this course to offer you the tools for transformation that have been so transformative for others.

My course, “The Empowered Path- From Inner Critic to Cheerleader” serves as a catalyst for profound and lasting change to transform the inner critic, release doubts and anxiety, connect to intuition, and develop the confidence to become all you are meant to be.

This course empowers seekers and holistic professionals to unlock their potential and guide others by expanding their capacity, confidence, and clarity through Chinese medicine, energy practices, and indigenous wisdom.

It is my mission and my passion to empower others to change their inner patterns so that they can move toward their dreams with joy, confidence, and clarity.  I have been teaching these tools and techniques in empowerment retreats internationally for a dozen years.

Now, The Empowered Path offers you the same opportunity for transformation from the comfort of your home.

“I have traveled with Maria, been on her retreats, taken her online offerings and worked with her one-on-one.  She has helped me so much! She has lots to offer and she is a great teacher and facilitator. Don’t miss the chance to learn from her.  She has changed my life!”

~Claire D

Join me for 5 weeks of learning and practice and discover how to change the stories you tell yourself and choose different beliefs that will serve you better!

Together we will explore foundational shifts to transform your inner critic and serve as the basis of a calmer, more confident you  You will discover how to deeply connect to your intuition and inner knowing as well as to your sources of support.

And you will create your own daily practice of energy work that will keep your outlook bright and give you the ability to truly appreciate yourself and attract the best possible circumstances for your life.

I will be there every step of the way to help you understand the foundation and master these ancient tools.

In this course you will:

• Learn how “energy” works in the body

• Discover how you can impact your “energy” and change old patterns

• Gain an overview of Chinese Medicine with its elegant explanations and resources for healthy living

• Explore how to influence the bridge between mind and body with your mindset to achieve greater physical and emotional well-being

• Learn simple techniques to release your inner critic and anxiety, fear, and doubt

• Practice exercises to empower your positive potential

• Leave with tools you can use that will support you as you develop healthy habits

• Discover ways to develop your awareness so that you notice patterns that you can then change

• Enjoy creative work that can move energy so that you no longer feel stuck

• Take away handouts and understanding so that you can teach and empower those you impact to use these techniques to bring lasting change

Module 1:  Thursday Oct 10
Q&A practice: Tuesday Oct 15

Module 2:  Thursday Oct 24
Q&A practice: Tuesday Oct 29

Module 3:  Thursday Nov 7
Q&A practice: Tuesday Nov 12

All sessions take place at 4PM PT

Modules are delivered on Thursdays
Q&A practice sessions are held on Tuesdays

All sessions are live on zoom, recorded, and available

This course will be presented in three 3 hour segments two weeks apart.  In the intervening weeks, you will enjoy a 1 hour Q & A and practice session.  All on zoom.

Over the course of 5 weeks, I will delve into a variety of topics where you will create a daily energy practice that will support change, gain insights about how to look at things from a more empowered stance, practice tools to use when challenges arise, experience a framework of awareness about energy and how to impact it, learn conscious communication techniques for empowered compassion, and much more.   

In addition to the live Q&As, I will be available by email and text to answer questions and offer support.

Recordings of the sessions will be available along with handouts that students can refer to.

There will be home work assignments that I will review and you will be able to track your progress and mastery.

All are invited to join a facebook group for support and community building.

Value: $497
Limited Time Special: $100 off!
Receive over $500 in bonuses!
Total Value $997!
Pay only $397 if you register before October 1!

Don’t Miss This Chance!

Would you like to end the suffering that comes from:

Anxiety that gets in the way of productivity?

The awareness that life could be more?

Feeling confused or overwhelmed?

Being easily triggered?

Held back by feelings of fear, doubt, guilt, or shame?

It is time to help yourself move beyond these terrible limiting patterns. Think about how you would prosper if you had more tools to help!  Don’t wait!


What if I can’t attend live on the dates?

The 3 modules will be recorded and available to you to review anytime.  If you miss the practice session, I will be available by email to answer any questions and you have a bonus one-on-one session with me as well.

It seems like a lot of money, what is the value?

Imagine your life where your inner critic takes a back seat to your cheerleader and best friend.  Think of how you can feel, what you can accomplish, and the experiences that you can attract if you could recognize your own magnificence.  This is priceless.  You will gain skills and techniques that you can use throughout your life to better meet challenges and to truly thrive.  You can finally let go of the tendency to be stressed out by things that don’t really matter.

Are you available to answer questions in between sessions?

I will be available by email and text to answer questions and work with you.  I want you to succeed!

How do I know this will work for me?

You must put in the work, practice the techniques, show up for yourself and set a clear intention to change your patterns.  You have to practice awareness and be willing to face your challenges.  If you do this, these tools will work for you as they have worked over thousands of years and for many people.  These are techniques based on ancient practices and there is current science demonstrating their validity.  If you are ready, you can change.

Do you offer a guarantee?

If for any reason, you find that this course is not for you or you don’t feel it is a good value, you can get a full refund, no questions asked for ten days after the start of the class.

“I suffered all my life with a lack of confidence and a hard time making decisions. This course taught me how to change life long patterns and how to support myself in having the life I longed for.  Thank you!”

~Debby G

Enjoy These Bonuses for Registering Now!

Register today and enjoy these special bonuses as a thank you:

  • Schedule a one half hour free one-on-one session with me to discuss any roadblocks to your progress or jump start your program-  Value: $150
  • Included: Pack of 5 workbooks on each of the 5 Elements filled with exercises, insights, and information in a usable format   Value:  $150
  • Included: Recordings of 5 Element talks, 5 hour long classes packed with information and exercises that you can turn to over and over.  Value:  $125
  • Special Bonus: 1 hour session on using tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique to transform your inner critic.  Live and recorded, time and date to be decided.  Value:  $150

Enjoy over $500 in bonuses if you register today!

If you are confused, anxious, or tired, and want more energy and joy, this course is for you. 

If you have tried so many things and you are sick of not being all you can be, please participate with us!

If you want a more empowered life I invite you to join this program!