Journey For Purpose
If you are ready for more…..join our community of women who want to address their precious inner longings, stop settling, and start living full out!

Transformational Journeys
Are You Ready?
Our mission is to provide opportunities to explore some of our most profound longings: to live an adventure filled life, to deepen our relationship with our inner knowing, to connect authentically with others, to learn to nurture ourselves profoundly, to enhance our capacity for joy, to become all that we can be, the world needs us!
We do this through transformational journeys, events and retreats, online and in beautiful places around the world…and we invite you to join us!
Eastern wisdom, indigenous rituals, a chance to challenge yourself and enjoy the natural world, and programs to use what you learn to grow, thrive, and expand.
Get our articles on empowerment, adventure, and connection. Don’t miss our tips and best resources.
Find out about our online programs and our in person retreats and journeys.
Join us for a Transformational Adventure either in person or online. Safe, powerful experiences create touchstone moments that bring lasting change into your life so you can be all that you are meant to be.
Get our free gift as a thank you when you subscribe! Courageous Life, Empowered Listening- a free guide to listening skills that are truly transformational.
Upcoming Journeys
Now is the time to decide to give yourself the greatest gift. Step into a Journey for Purpose and feel your life expand! You are more than you know!
Belize Adventure 2024
From Mayan Wisdom
to Ocean Magic
Kayak Journeys
Paddle/ Camp/ Share
Women’s Transformational Journeys
Women’s Retreat
Dancing on the Edge
Mexico, Oct 2023

Indigenous Wisdom
Connect with your own inner wisdom and all the powerful sources of support, seen and unseen, known and unknown, that are there for you! Sit at the feet of elders in other traditions and experience the magic!

Be Your full Self!
Feed your wild soul. Touchstone moments live inside you and show the way. Listen to your own wisdom. Be your full self and move, breathe, share!
Ways to Make a Journey Transformational
1. Acknowledge the Obstacles
It is very powerful to recognize what you have had to overcome. You have to cultivate a lot of inner character to move forward in the face of difficulties. Celebrate the challenges you have embraced.
2. Recognize the Old Stories
Too often we are led through life by our wounds, never able to free ourselves from being the victim of circumstances. We have to question our beliefs and see if they still serve us.
3. Use Tools for Change
Whether it is indigenous wisdom reminding us of unseen powers, eastern modalities helping us to access our underlying energetic systems, the power of a tribe of support practicing listening from the heart, or modern pyschology- there are a lot of tools that will help us on our Journey for Purpose